Myths & Remedies To Ease Pepper Burns

Myths & Remedies To Ease Pepper Burns
In this blog, we will be discussing myths and remedies for easing the burn from peppers. Below are just a few myths and remedies for easing the burn from peppers.
Myths To Ease The Burn Of Peppers
We will start off with water and milk. When people eat something hot, these are the 2 most common things people got to for relief. These 2 are the worst ones to use for relief from the burn. Yes, it will cool your mouth down in an instant, but then it comes back even worse. The reason for this is the liquids makes the capsaicin oil spread around in your mouth more. Another one is ice cream, yes it cools it down fast but still comes back. Bread is also another myth compared to the remedies listed below.
Remedies To Ease The Burn Of Peppers
Now for the 2 products that ease the burn of peppers the fastest. First we will start off with ketchup, it eases the pain faster and decrease quickly. The reason for this is because of the combination in ketchup or the vinegar and acid from the tomatoes. Next is what we believe to be the best out of the remedies, which is peanut butter. This works absolutely fantastic to ease the burn and make it go away fast. For some reason whether it be the oil in peanut butter along with the thickness just eases and dissipates the burn the quickest. Also, time can be considered as a remedy too. What we mean by time is just waiting out the burn without drinking milk or water.
Coating Your Stomach/Cap Cramps
Most people who eat super hot peppers will eat a peanut butter sandwich or drink Pepto-Bismol. The reason for this is to coat their stomach, so they do not cap cramps as bad. Cap cramps is a symptom from eating super hot peppers. Plus also help to let them keep the peppers they ate to stay down and not come back up.
Please leave a comment below if you know of any other remedies to ease the burn from super hot peppers.