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Stuffing Tomatoes

Stuffing Tomatoes

We offer a great selection of stuffing tomatoes. These fruits are hollow inside, which makes great stuffers. The tomatoes can be stuffed and baked in the oven. They can also be cut raw and stuff for hors d’oeuvres. Some cooks stuff them with tuna fish salad, which can be baked or just served as a hors d oeuvres uncooked. Another way is with mozzarella and basil cooked or uncooked. Lastly, you can do stuff pepper mix and stuff your tomatoes with it and bake them. These are just a few ways you could prepare stuffed tomatoes.

Some of our most popular varieties include Schimmeig Stoo (Striped Cavern) and Yellow Stuffer Tomatoes.

We take over 40,000 pictures of all the varieties we grow and list every year. Also, we write all our own descriptions of each variety too. All the seeds we save are all grown by us. Be sure to check out our Tomato Talk Blogs to see what OMRI products we use on and in our garden.

Also, check out our YouTube Channel- Tomato Reviews, Pictures, and More. Please be sure to like, tag, share, and follow if you like our content.

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Happy Growing!!

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