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Barry’s Crazy Cherry Tomato


Barry’s Crazy Cherry Tomato

Barry’s Crazy Cherry Tomato was created by Brad Gates of California. These are a pale yellow, sweet, delicious cherry tomato. Crazy is the word for how productive this cherry is.  It will just keep producing clusters like crazy until frost. The reason for this is that they are a multiflora tomato, of an indeterminate variety. This is a mid-season plant with regular leaves. These are great if you are going to farmer’s markets and supplying restaurants because of the flavor and the amount just one plant yields, it is crazy. If you like multiflora tomatoes, be sure to check out Karma Purple Tomato.

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Barry’s Crazy Cherry Tomato

Barry’s Crazy Cherry Tomato was created by Brad Gates of California. These are a pale yellow, sweet, delicious cherry tomato. Crazy is the word for how productive this cherry is.  It will just keep producing clusters like crazy until frost. The reason for this is that they are a multiflora tomato, of an indeterminate variety. This is a mid-season plant with regular leaves. These are great if you are going to farmer’s markets and supplying restaurants because of the flavor and the amount just one plant yields, it is crazy. If you like multiflora tomatoes, be sure to check out Karma Purple Tomato.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds, 50 Seeds


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