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Black Horse Tomato


Black Horse Tomato

This tomato was created by Dean Slater of Michigan. It is a mid-season tomato plant with regular leaves. Also, an indeterminate variety. which will keep producing up until frost comes if you take care of your plants. They produce these 1 oz to 3 oz black cherry fruits. These are very flavorful and rich in taste. Black Horse Tomato would be a great for snacking on, garnishes, or salads. This is just one of the many Dean Slater Tomatoes we offer. Be sure to check out his other tomatoes we have along with all the other Well-Known Breeders Tomatoes we have too. We have over 700 tomato reviews on our YouTube channel.

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Black Horse Tomato

This tomato was created by Dean Slater of Michigan. It is a mid-season tomato plant with regular leaves. Also, an indeterminate variety. which will keep producing up until frost comes if you take care of your plants. They produce these 1 oz to 3 oz black cherry fruits. These are very flavorful and rich in taste. Black Horse Tomato would be a great for snacking on, garnishes, or salads. This is just one of the many Dean Slater Tomatoes we offer. Be sure to check out his other tomatoes we have along with all the other Well-Known Breeders Tomatoes we have too. We have over 700 tomato reviews on our YouTube channel.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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