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C.W. Leonis Tomato


C.W. Leonis Tomato
This is a Mid-Late season Regular Leafed plant. It is a Indeterminate that is a good yielder and produces large red beefsteaks ranging from 1-1.5 pounds. Be sure to tie your plants up well due to the weights of these tomatoes. A very meaty with more acidic old timey flavor. A excellent slicing tomato for sandwiches or canning.

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C.W. Leonis Tomato
This is a rare tomato with an unknown history. This is a mid to late season plant with regular leaves. It is an indeterminate plant that is a good yielding variety and produces these large red beefsteaks. They can range in weight from 11oz (ca. 416 gram) to 16oz (ca. 605 gram), sometimes even larger. Be sure to tie your plants up well due to the weights of these tomatoes. A very meaty fruit with more of an acidic old-timey flavor. An excellent slicing tomato for sandwiches or canning fruit. If you like large red heirloom tomato, you will also like Mac’s Pride Tomato.

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tomato seeds

10 Seeds, 25 Seeds


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