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Dwarf Russian Swirl Tomato


Dwarf Russian Swirl Tomato

Dwarf Russian Swirl Tomato is a creation from The Dwarf Tomato Project. This was a cross between Orange Russian 117 and Golden Dwarf Champion tomatoes. A mid to late season tomato plant with regular rugose leaves that grow about 4 feet tall. These are a determinate plant that produces 8 oz -16 oz beefsteak tomatoes. Being a determinate plant they will only produce for 4 to 6 weeks then they are done. These are a juicy, sweet and fruity tasting tomato. A great tomato for sandwiches, sauces, and canning. We also have a video review of this tomato on our YouTube channel Tomato Reviews, Pictures, and More.

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Dwarf Russian Swirl Tomato

Dwarf Russian Swirl Tomato is a creation from The Dwarf Tomato Project. This was a cross between Orange Russian 117 and Golden Dwarf Champion tomatoes. A mid to late season tomato plant with regular rugose leaves that grow about 4 feet tall. These are a determinate plant that produces 8 oz -16 oz beefsteak tomatoes. Being a determinate plant they will only produce for 4 to 6 weeks then they are done. These are a juicy, sweet and fruity tasting tomato. A great tomato for sandwiches, sauces, and canning. We also have a video review of this tomato on our YouTube channel Tomato Reviews, Pictures, and More.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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