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Fuzzy Blue Balls Tomato


Fuzzy Blue Balls Tomato
Developed by Dean Slater of Michigan. These are a bicolored tomato that weighs between 2oz -3oz. They are a mid-season variety that have regular leaves. This indeterminate plant will produce these awesome, juicy, sweet fruits up until frost time if you take care of your plants. Be sure, when planting this variety, they get enough sunlight to bring out the blue/antho coloring. They do very well at markets, snacking on, garnishes, or cut up and added to salads. If you like Fuzzy Blue Balls Tomato, be sure to check out our other seeds we handle from Dean Slater. Be sure to check out our review of this tomato on YouTube.

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Fuzzy Blue Balls Tomato
Developed by Dean Slater of Michigan. These are a bicolored tomato that weighs between 2oz -3oz. They are a mid-season variety that have regular leaves. This indeterminate plant will produce these awesome, juicy, sweet fruits up until frost time if you take care of your plants. Be sure, when planting this variety, they get enough sunlight to bring out the blue/antho coloring. They do very well at markets, snacking on, garnishes, or cut up and added to salads. If you like Fuzzy Blue Balls Tomato, be sure to check out our other seeds we handle from Dean Slater. Be sure to check out our review of this tomato on YouTube.

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tomato seeds

10 Seeds, 25 Seeds


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