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Sacharnaja Silva Malinovaja Tomato


Sacharnaja Silva Malinovaja Tomato

This is a rare tomato from Russia. These were a commercially available variety there. That is the only known information we have of this fruit, besides the growing habits. It is A mid-season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety of these pink fruits. They are an elongated cherry tomato with weights around 1 ounce. The flavor is well-balanced with an added smokiness. These tomatoes are great for snacking on, especially in the garden. They would be excellent for farmers markets and salads too. If you like Sacharnaja Silva Malinovaja Tomato, you may also like Tsunshigo Tomato. Be sure to check out our YouTube channel Tomato Reviews, Pictures, and More.

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Sacharnaja Silva Malinovaja Tomato

This is a rare tomato from Russia. These were a commercially available variety there. That is the only known information we have of this fruit, besides the growing habits. It is A mid-season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. An indeterminate variety of these pink fruits. They are an elongated cherry tomato with weights around 1 ounce. The flavor is well-balanced with an added smokiness. These tomatoes are great for snacking on, especially in the garden. They would be excellent for farmers markets and salads too. If you like Sacharnaja Silva Malinovaja Tomato, you may also like Tsunshigo Tomato. Be sure to check out our YouTube channel Tomato Reviews, Pictures, and More.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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