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German Lunchbox Tomato


German Lunchbox Tomato

A larger pink heirloom cherry tomato from Germany. This is a mid-season variety with regular leaves. These are a perfect cherry tomato to grow for markets because they are very prolific and delicious. An indeterminate plant that keeps producing until the frost comes. These cherry fruit have a longer shelf life to them. The size of these larger cherry tomatoes weigh between 1oz (ca. 38 gram) to 2oz (ca. 76 gram). German Lunchbox Tomato is a sweet tasting fruit that is great for snacking on and salads. We have a review of this tomato on our YouTube Channel. You may also like Porter (Charles Hering) Tomato if you like the larger cherry tomatoes.

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German Lunchbox Tomato

A larger pink heirloom cherry tomato from Germany. This is a mid-season variety with regular leaves. These are a perfect cherry tomato to grow for markets because they are very prolific and delicious. An indeterminate plant that keeps producing until the frost comes. These cherry fruit have a longer shelf life to them. The size of these larger cherry tomatoes weigh between 1oz (ca. 38 gram) to 2oz (ca. 76 gram). German Lunchbox Tomato is a sweet tasting fruit that is great for snacking on and salads. We have a review of this tomato on our YouTube Channel. You may also like Porter (Charles Hering) Tomato if you like the larger cherry tomatoes.

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tomato seeds

10 Seeds, 25 Seeds


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