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Thunder Mountain Tomato


Thunder Mountain Tomato

Thunder Mountain Tomato is a cross between Big Rainbow, Cherokee Purple, and Bosque Blue tomatoes. J&L gardens were the ones who created this tomato. A mid-season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. This is an indeterminate variety that produce these beautiful large tomatoes. The weights will range from 8oz to 17oz. A gorgeous tomato to sell at farmers markets or to restaurants. Chefs just love to add these to dishes because how colorful these fruits are. Lee Godwin named this tomato because of the colors looked like the setting sun through the thunderclouds. The flavor of these tomatoes are juicy and sweet but tangy, a great slicing tomato. We have a review of this tomato on our YouTube channel.

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Thunder Mountain Tomato

Thunder Mountain Tomato is a cross between Big Rainbow, Cherokee Purple, and Bosque Blue tomatoes. J&L gardens were the ones who created this tomato. A mid-season tomato plant with regular leaf foliage. This is an indeterminate variety that produce these beautiful large tomatoes. The weights will range from 8oz to 17oz. A gorgeous tomato to sell at farmers markets or to restaurants. Chefs just love to add these to dishes because how colorful these fruits are. Lee Godwin named this tomato because of the colors looked like the setting sun through the thunderclouds. The flavor of these tomatoes are juicy and sweet but tangy, a great slicing tomato. We have a review of this tomato on our YouTube channel.

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tomato seeds

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 seeds, 25 Seeds


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