Top 10 Tomatoes You Should Grow
Top 10 Tomatoes You Should Grow
In this blog, we will be discussing the top 10 tomatoes you should grow. This list comprises the top 10 best tasting and very popular tomatoes we grew in 2021. The tomatoes on this list vary from small cherry tomatoes to over 1 pound (ca. 454 gram) giant tomatoes.
Australian Beauty Tomato – This is a large heirloom tomato with weights exceeding over 1 pound (ca. 454 gram). Overall, a great tomato with many uses. We really like these for canning because of the flavor, very meaty with few seeds in them.
Black Early Tomato – These tomatoes are one of the earlier producing black tomatoes out there. They are a very prolific tomato that has a sweet but smokey flavor to them.
Curtis Cheek Tomato – A great heirloom tomato that is an oxheart. Another fruit that has many uses. We like to use these for canning also because of the flavor and how few seeds that they have in them.
John Henry Tomato – This is a giant heirloom tomato. I discovered this tomato back in 2016 at a local farmers market. These were the biggest tomatoes we grew in 2022. The flavor is excellent being well-balanced along with an old timey taste.
Lavender Lake Tomato – These tomatoes originated from Bulgaria. A heavy producing plant of these 16 oz (ca. 605 Gram)or more black beefsteak fruits. The flavor is more on the sweet side.
Lemon Lean Tomato – This is a yellow dwarf tomato on the larger size of the dwarf scale. They have rugose leaves with superb lemon like flavor. A very prolific tomato that does very well at farmers markets.
Snow White Cherry Tomato – A very sweet white cherry tomato. While we are in the garden, we can not stop snacking on these delightful fruits. These are also very popular with our customers that buy our tomatoes due to how sweet they are.
Sungold Select Tomato – This tomato is Brad Gate’s version of the popular hybrid tomato Sungold. Brad dehybridlized Sungold cherry tomato that he named Sugold Select. We like this version the best out of the 4 Sungold tomato version out there. These have a great blend of citrus and sweetness to them, like an orange.
Xanadu Green Goddess Tomato – These are the best tasting green tomato out there. This fruit was created by Blane Horton. A very prolific tomato you can not go wrong with. The restaurants we deliver to absolutely love this tomato.
Zebra Ezel Tomato – We can not say enough about this tomato. An early producing eye-catching beefsteak tomato. Anyone who tries tomato always want more of them. The reason for this because they are a larger beefsteak tomato. But the flavor is unique and complex, blending sweetness, acidity, and tartness. You grow these fruits one year, they will be in your garden every year from here on out.
These 10 tomatoes vary in colors, shapes, and sizes. We grow these 10 tomatoes in our garden every year for seeds and to sell the tomatoes at the markets/restaurants. We also grow a lot of these 10 varieties just as plants to sell at the farmers markets at the beginning of the season. You definitely can not go wrong with these 10 tomatoes. Once you try them, they will probably be in your garden every year also.