Why A Compost Pile Is Worth Starting
Why A Compost Pile Is Worth Starting
In this blog, we will discuss several reasons why a compost pile is worth starting. We will explain why to start a compost pile along with some tricks to get the best compost for your garden. Also, composting piles are organic and very beneficial for tomato plants. Let’s get into what to put into your compost pile.
Composting Is What You Put Into It.
The results we get out of our gardens are because of what we put into the pile. When growing up, my grandmother use to take all the table scraps and added them to the compost pile every day. She would eat a banana every day and add the peels to her compost pile, which increases potassium in the compost. If you add eggshells they increase the calcium in the compost but crush them up before adding it lets them dissolve quicker. Coffee grounds are also great for composting to add nitrogen. We also add some leftover pulp from our tomatoes that we are getting seeds from to a pile for the following year. Fruits and vegetables should be added as well if you have some going bad. Non-food products that can be added are newspaper, cardboard, grass clippings, leaves, and mulch. Plus, if you have manures from farm animals, this can be added also. But be sure before you are going to plant with manures. Make sure the compost pile has been aged for a few months, so it will not burn your plants.
Tricks We Use In Our Compost Pile
How we start our new compost pile every year. First is a base we start off with is with a mixture of manures from a local farm. The mixture consist of cow, horse, rabbit, and chicken manures. Next we add mulch which we get every year from tree trimmers, and we leave it to sit for a whole year, so it decays, and we add it to our new compost pile. We also add our grass clippings when cutting the grass during summer and our mulched up leaves in the fall. Leaves are great when they decay, that adds humus to the compost pile. Then everyday we add table scraps and shredded up paper from junk mail to the compost pile. Also, after it rains we collect worms while we are outside and add them to the compost as well, so we get worm castings from them in the pile. Lastly, make sure to turn over the compost pile every few weeks to help aid breaking down what was added of the weeks.
What Uses Compost Have
We use organic compost in our gardens for a soil base, compost teas, and adding it when planting the tomato plants in the holes which the plants absolutely love and thrive in. This compost can be just spread into the garden and rototilled in. It can also be placed into the hole along with the tomato plants. Another trick when putting the compost in the hole for the plant is to mix in some mulch with the compost, it helps with drainage. We do both the above uses, and we also use it in our compost teas as well. Using organic compost in your garden along with compost teas, you will see big and healthy tomato plants with great tasting fruits.