Antho Tomatoes Are Healthy For You

Why Antho Tomatoes Are Healthy For You
We will be explaining in this blog why antho tomatoes are healthy for us. Antho is short for anthocyanins, which we will be going explaining in this blog. Antho tomatoes is the colors in black/blue tomatoes. Below, we are going to discuss how antho tomatoes can help keep us healthy.
About Tomatoes And People
First, tomatoes are not a vegetable, they are a fruit. Generally, Tomatoes are healthy for us, but some of us have to watch because a few varieties of tomatoes have higher sugar levels and can impact people with sugar. The same goes with tomatoes with more acidity too them can affect people with acid reflux. So eating too many tomatoes can be bad for our health too.
What Are Anthocyanins
Anthocyanins – These make up coloring the black/blue coloring in tomatoes and also other fruits and vegetables. They act as antioxidants and anthocyanins may offer anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-cancer. This also can treat a number of conditions involving blood vessel health, like high blood pressure, and help with diabetics. They can be used to treat a number of other conditions, including colds and urinary tract infections. Research also suggests that anthocyanins may help and aid in fighting off major health problems, including heart disease and cancer. Also, pharmaceutical companies use anthocyanins in a lot of products they make. But we have it in the best natural organic form in tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables too.
Breeders Creating Black And Blue Colors
Breeders of tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables are creating these gorgeous foods that are healthy for us. Please do not get me wrong, some breeders are trying to achieve certain flavors and looks while breeding. Two of these breeders that come to mind right away that developed tomatoes with the blue/black pigments are Tom Wagner with Wagner Blue Green Tomato and Brad Gates that created Black Beauty Tomato. There are a bunch of other blue/black tomatoes we have also. We have a few pictured below along with 2 links if you would like to check out the other blue/black tomatoes we have available.
Blue Tomatoes Link –