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Potato Leaf Tomatoes

Potato Leaf Tomatoes

We offer the best collection of potato leaf tomatoes. Potato leaf plants are less common and rarer of the 2 leaf types. Potato leaf plant’s leaf edges look to be more rounded. They also happen to be bigger compared to regular leaf plants.  The regular leaf plant’s leaf edges look to be more jagged.

Most heirloom tomato growers and collectors search for potato leaf tomato seeds. (Extra note) – Some dwarf tomato plants will be considered a potato leaf plant. Because of the larger potato style leaves, but may also have slightly serrated edges.

Some of our most popular potato leaf tomato seed varieties include Mac’s Pride, Olive Hill, Spudatula Black, Spudakee, Delta Moss Dwarf, and Gary O Sena tomatoes.

Also, check out our YouTube Channel- Tomato Reviews, Pictures, and More. Please be sure to like, tag, share, and follow if you like our content.

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Happy Growing!!

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