5 Best Red-Pink Dwarf Tomatoes

5 Best Red-Pink Dwarf Tomatoes
In this blog, we will be listing our 5 best red-pink dwarf tomatoes. These dwarf tomatoes made our list due to production, flavor, and customer reviews from the farmers market. If you would like to know about a specific tomato, just click on the name. It will take you to the website listing where there are more photos, information, and seeds can be purchased there too.
Sweet Adelaide Dwarf Tomato
Sweet Adelaide Dwarf Tomato – A mid-season dwarf tomato plant that can be planted in containers and placed on patios or balconies. They are a determinate type with regular rugose leaves. This plant will produce red beefsteak tomatoes weighing 6oz (ca. 227 gram) up to 13oz (ca. 491 gram). Definitely a nice sized fruit to use as a slicer for sandwiches or cut up into salads. These could also be used for cooking also they do well at markets too. They are juicy, but blend sweetness with tartness and some acidity. We also have a video review of this tomato on YouTube.
Dwarf Arctic Rose Tomato
Dwarf Arctic Rose Tomato – This is an early season tomato plant with regular rugose leaves. These are a determinate variety which will only produce for 4-6 weeks. But when they produce for only those few weeks, they produce a lot. They range in weight from 3oz (ca. 113 gram) up to 9oz (ca. 340 gram). We like the size differences for the markets. Customers liked these tomatoes and were a steady seller for us over the summer. A meaty and very well-balanced tomato for sandwiches. Be sure to check out our review of this tomato and many other dwarf tomatoes on YouTube.
Dwarf Hannah’s Prize Tomato
Dwarf Hannah’s Prize Tomato – A mid-season tomato plant with regular rugose leaves. This tomato is an indeterminate plant. So if you take care of your plant it will keep producing up until frost time. These can also be grown in containers too. This is a great yielding plant of these 6-12 oz red beefsteaks. They have a nice, well-balanced rich flavor with a little tartness to them. Would be great for slicing, sandwiches and canning. Be sure to check out our review of this tomato on our YouTube Channel.
Dwarf Stone Tomato
Dwarf Stone Tomato – These are a mid-season variety with regular rugose leaves. They are also a determinate plant that produces these red but ruffled beefsteak tomatoes that weigh from 4oz (ca. 151 gram) to 8oz (ca. 302 gram). A great farmers market tomato from the production of this plant in the those 4 to 6 weeks. Also, this is a disease resistant tomato too. The flavor is on the acidic and powerful with a tang to them. We have a review of this tomato and other Dwarf Tomatoes on YouTube
Dwarf Pink Passion Tomato
Dwarf Pink Passion Tomato – These are an early season dwarf tomato with regular leaf foliage. A heavy producing determinate plant that yield these red heart shaped tomatoes. The weights for this tomato will range from 4oz (ca. 151 gram) to 8oz (ca. 302 gram). They are juicy, meaty, and sweet with a touch of acidity. This dwarf tomato could be used as a slicer for sandwiches or for canning and sauces. We also have a review of this tomato on YouTube.
We labeled each picture below with the above-mentioned names. Be sure to check out our tomato blog on our top 10 dwarf tomato picks from last year too.