A Crazy 2024 Growing Season

A Crazy 2024 Growing Season
Here we will be talking about how crazy this growing season been. From what happened this year to make it so crazy. To how well we did this summer.
The Beginning planting of 2024
This year we went in late due to waiting on items to arrive and back shipments. We normally go in around May 1st. This year would have been another great year to start on that date for us. We should start planting May 15th in our area. Bit over the past few year the weathers been excellent to start May 1st. So, we did not start planting until May 17th. This put us behind for markets along with seeds saving. This was just the beginning of the season we should have know it was going to get worse.
The Middle Of Our 2024 Season
The middle of our growing season was plagued by weather issues. The first to start off we lost a few hundred plants due to a wind storm. We then in turn started to pick up some plants from local nurseries and market place to add to the ones we lost. Then we started to have extremely abnormal high heat with no rain. The we got a week with nothing but solid rain. The a couple of weeks it started turning cold here in August way sooner than it should have. With all this happening we were picking every day some times twice a day to avoid getting a lot of cracked/splitting tomatoes. The we had to deal with a geese issue eating our tomatoes. It just seemed this year its been one thing after another. No lie its been the worst growing season we have ever had.
The end of Our 2024 Growing Season
Even though we were plagued with all these issue we did end up having an alright season. We did end up saving a lot of seeds but some varieties will be limited because we only had 1 plant growing since we lost the others of that variety due to weather. Also some varieties did not due well because of the extreme high heat or the cold spells too. But we did try and take as many photos and videos as we could of these new varieties along with a lot of restocks we grew too. Be sure to check out our YouTube channel Tomato Reviews, Pictures, and More to watch these new videos along with our older reviews.